Sunday, August 2, 2015

Transportation Preschool

For my last preschool lesson of the school year I decided to teach about transportation.  My favorite part of the lesson was the snacks (I think that's often my favorite part... :)  The kids liked it too.  They wanted to make and eat LOTS of traffic lights!
Traffic light graham crackers...

Apple Cars

Partyin' It Up!

Our dear friends and neighbors Gil and Tiff were celebrating their tenth anniversary, and Tiff threw a giant surprise party/vow renewal for Gil.  I loved visiting with Tiff over the months leading up to the party and hearing all about her preparations.  We were excited to see Gil's face when he walked in to the barn and saw everyone there and Tiff looking incredible.  What a great event to be a part of!  Our whole family had a total blast eating, dancing, laughing with friends, and just enjoying the anniversary party.  We feel completely blessed over and over again to know the Villavicencios!

Joely was excited for dinner...delicious Mexican dishes made by Papa Gil and Victoria.

Dad leading the girls out onto the dance floor.

Joely going "gangster style" for the photo booth.

This is hard to see, but I still love the picture.  Dave and Emma dancing away!

The photo booth was by far my kids favorite part.  They just kept going back for more pictures over and over and over.  We came home with a giant stack of photos but these two strips were my very favorite.

Gil and Tiff...what great friends!

We are so not graceful on the dance floor, but we had so much fun!

Loving Library Story Time

Johnstown has an awesome library and fantastic librarians.  I love walking in to return books and having the librarians greet us by name.  I think it's my favorite place in Johnstown!  Joely and I go to story time regularly and have really enjoyed the books, songs, and crafts that our great librarians prepare.  For a special treat the librarians hosted a farm themed story time and had a miniature horse and a miniature donkey for the kids to meet.  So much fun!

Just Joely's Size!

Her completed farm craft

Some of our friends at story time

Carson's Choir Performance

Carson signed up for after-school choir and (mostly) enjoyed rehearsing for several weeks.  The theme of their concert was Rock and Roll, and they did a fantastic job.  The concert was perfect...only about 30 minutes...and each child had a special part. Carson was the I in DISCO and got to hold up the I sign each time they sang the word.  He's not so sure he wants to do choir next year, but I think he secretly had fun.  :)
He was hard to see because he was in the back row, but we enjoyed the glimpses we got of him.

Receiving his certificate.
 Music is such a big part of our family life.  I hope all the kids will sing and play music whenever they have an opportunity to.  Way to go, Carson!

Looking Good

Now that I'm serving in Primary, and because my kids are right around baptism age, we generally spend the first Saturday of every month out in Greeley for stake baptisms.  This Saturday we had three sweet girls from our ward getting baptized and we were excited to attend.  I'd gotten the girls matching outfits on a clearance sale and they decided to wear them for the first time that day.  They looked so great, I just had to take some pictures!
I seriously, seriously love these three.
Beautiful Sisters

Joely's First Soccer Game

Joely was begging to play soccer like Carson and Emma for the season and we figured it was probably time to let her start.  She was in the 4 and Under league, so they had a 30 minute practice followed by a 30 minute game each Saturday.  She was so excited!!

 Joely thought soccer was amazing!  She was definitely not as inclined to run and fight for the ball as her big brother is, but she was perfectly content to run around behind the large pack of kids and occasionally get in the middle of it.  She made me laugh!

Listening to Coach Hector

 Joely's very favorite thing to do at practice was to throw the ball in.  She would do that over and over even when the coach was having everyone do something else.  When they needed a throw in during a game, though, Joely was pretty great at it!

Sweetest soccer player around!