Sunday, June 23, 2013

Emma's First T-Ball Game

We signed Emma up for T-ball this season and have had a great time watching her play.  Her first game was cancelled because of weather, so it was held the following Saturday.  We had so much fun!  Emma's first at-bat was awesome.  She hit the ball a few feet, then ran forward and picked it up before the other team could do anything.  Dave was helping all the batters on our team, and he talked with her for a minute before she tried again.  But it must not have worked, because she did the exact same thing all over again!  It was a riot.  Then, as she was getting ready to try once more, a helicopter landed right behind us!  We all paused briefly to watch it land and then Emma swung, connected, and actually ran to first base.  :)  She played a great game and definitely had fun in the process.
Getting ready to whack the ball right outta the field.

She's serious about her short stop position.

Our little ball player.
The helicopter was landing for a health and safety fair the community was holding at the community center right by the baseball fields.  We hadn't known about it, but were sure glad to be able to go.  The kids got to sit in the helicopter, a firetruck, and an ambulance.  They were giving away brand new bike helmets and free lunch.  The kids loved watching the police dog and jumping in the bounce house.  We ended up staying for a few hours just enjoying all that was offered and visiting with friends.  The only problem with the day was that we never sun-screened anyone.  Thankfully, I was the only one who got royally fried!

Exploring the fire truck.  Our backdoor neighbor was one of the firemen at the event.

Hopefully we never have to ride in one of these for real.
The day was awesome, and it gave me yet another reason to love living in Star Valley.

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