Sunday, July 7, 2013

Finishing Up the T-Ball Season

During baseball season we spent at least two evenings a week at games or practices.  I actually didn't mind spending all that time at the fields, it was just getting difficult to come up with dinner ideas that worked when we got home after 7 o'clock.  We enjoyed our last few games and are so glad we signed the kids up!
Emma enjoying her "birthday cake" snow cone after her last t-ball game.  Some enterprising family drove a little snow cone trailer up each evening and made lots of $$ selling snow cones to all the kids.  They were yummy!

Joely got brave at t-ball.  She wandered if I wasn't super-watchful and made friends with anyone and everyone.  Joely loves to talk with people.

Grandpa and Grandma Robinson came to Carson's game.  It was SO COLD!! But they were fantastic and stuck out the whole game.  Carson played well, and is so lucky to have their support.

Carson's coach pitch team -- the "Dragons."  With Coach Shawn and his assistant/daughter Jordan.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that picture of Joely with the bandana! She is so big!
