Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Visit From the Tooth Fairy

We were eating dinner at Grandpa and Grandma McClure's, and Emma refused to eat the last bite of one of her apple slices.  This was strange, because she usually LOVES all fruit and vegetables, but she did NOT want to eat the rest of the apple.  As she left the dinner table, Emma commented that her front bottom tooth was loose.  Dave pulled her aside and was looking at her tooth for a moment or two and then, VOILA! The tooth was out!  Emma is still four for a few more weeks, so she's following in the footsteps of her older brother and losing teeth early.  She was so calm about the whole thing and simply excited to have the tooth fairy come visit.  We teased her that the tooth fairy  might not know where to find her since we were on vacation, and sure enough, it took the tooth fairy two days to exchange the tooth for a $1 bill.  But Emma didn't mind!  I was amazed at how quickly we went from, "Mom, my tooth is loose!" to "Mom, I lost my tooth!"  It was easy-peazy.  :)
She's so proud of the hole in her teeth!

Team Effort
It seems like our Emma is growing up way too fast!  Next up is a 5th birthday and then full-day kindergarten a few days later.  Crazy!

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