Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Intermittent Springs

For my parents last full day in Star Valley, we drove to Afton and hiked up to the Intermittent Spring.  It was definitely busier this time, but the hike was just as beautiful as ever.

On the way up. . .
Joely wanted to stop and throw rocks into the river the whole time, but we eventually convinced her to keep moving.  She likes to be held, so she will hold my hand and then turn her body so she's walking backwards in front of me, forcing me to pick her up.  She's smart, that pirate!  Grandpa was nice and took a turn for awhile.
Totally happy to be held by Grandpa
Halfway there
Once we got to the base of the springs, I decided to wait at the picnic tables with Joely and Emma.  The hike up to the mouth of the spring isn't easy, and it's scary for little ones.  The girls were more than happy to stay and watch the chipmunks and eat snacks while everyone else went on ahead.
In case you wanted to know what the Intermittent Springs is, Kacie will show you. . .
The little chipmunks around the picnic tables were BOLD.  They kept running up close to Joely and I to eat crumbs left by other hikers.  It was cute, as long as they didn't actually get within 6 inches of us!
See the little guy on the bench looking at Joely?
Grandma and Grandpa and Kacie and Carson were gone a LONG time.  In the meantime, the girls and I made friends with a large group of people and visited for awhile.  Finally I walked over to see if I could see the family coming down.  They were coming slowly. . .Grandpa had slipped while coming down and fallen, getting himself cut up and bruised all over his arms and legs.  Yikes!
This picture doesn't do justice to how beat up Grandpa was!

In the end, everyone was okay!  We had a nice hike on a beautiful day.  Those who hiked up to the mouth of the spring got to watch it stop and then start up again after 15 minutes or so. The kids got to throw rocks in the river, and we all enjoyed this beautiful place.

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