Friday, October 11, 2013

Flag Football

Carson was excited that we would still be living in Wyoming for the whole flag football season.  We were super lucky and got Jen Jenkins as our coach.  Her son Dezmond and Carson are good buddies and Jen is an amazing lady and coach.  Jen was able to find a sponsor for the team, so the boys were each given a shirt to keep with their name on the back.  It made it seem so official!  The season (which was only 4 games long) started out with an awesome win for the Hulks.  They scored fast and often.  Game 2 wasn't so great for us as we played against the Brog's team, who are our good friends.  Game 3 was awesome.  Carson had an amazing touchdown that made me so proud!  He looks like a college player as he races from one end of the field to the other, checking over his shoulder to see how close the defenders are.  Game 4 was MISERABLE!!  It was pouring rain and freezing cold, but the game was held anyway.  The girls and I huddled under umbrellas (actually the girls put their big umbrella up like a fort, but it meant they couldn't see any of the game while staying somewhat dry).  I'm glad they ended the season at the beginning of October, because the weather here just isn't conducive to outdoor sports any further into the autumn.  All in all, Carson LOVED flag football and showed lots of talent for it.  He's our little athlete!
Getting ready for Game 1

Dez and Carson

Huddle up, Hulks!


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