Thursday, January 2, 2014

First Day of School...Again

The Monday after Thanksgiving was a big day...the first day of school in Johnstown.  Emma was excited to go.  I think she was honestly missing the interaction of school.  She had met her teacher, Mrs. Willcox, when I'd registered the kids the week before, so she had a pretty good idea of what to expect.  Carson also went happily.  His new teacher, Mrs. Post, seemed very kind and his class had been welcoming when we'd registered.  Thank goodness for that!
Carson's bus comes at 7:53.  I was amazed at the massive number of children who were at the bus stop.  They fill an entire bus at just our stop!  It's crazy.  There are dozens of cars lined up waiting for the bus to pull up, and when it does the kids just pour out onto the sidewalks.  Definitely different than Star Valley.
Emma's bus comes at 11:38 and is for all the bus-riding afternoon kindergarteners.  There are two other children who meet the bus at our stop.  Emma was excited to go!
Joely and I met the afternoon bus at 3:50.  The kids looked like they'd had a great first day!

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