Monday, October 6, 2014

Uncle Riley's Graduation

Riley's graduation ceremony was extremely early in the morning (at least for a Saturday), so Dave and the kids slept while I went to Fort Collins.  I haven't been to a Fort Collins High School graduation since my own, and it brought back so many memories.  I love the traditions FCHS has kept, especially the performance of "Battle Hymn of the Republic."  We enjoyed watching Riley's girlfriend, Tara, present the class gift.  Riley was sitting quite close to us, so it was fun to see him making faces at us during the ceremony.  Afterward we took lots of pictures outside the arena and enjoyed the special day.  Way to go, Riley!

Tara's presentation.

Shaking hands with Mr. Eversoll

At least he got his hat back!  :)

My little brother is all grown up!

Recreating a picture from 6th grade graduation with a bunch of the kids Riley went to elementary school with..

Shaking Brother Attwooll's hand.  Three good men.

Those crazies...we love 'em!

The photographer looks like Shawn, but it isn't really him.
It was a great day!  Good luck, Riley!

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