Monday, February 23, 2015

Fall Soccer and Flag Football

The start of school also means the start of fall sports, and we were definitely involved this year.  Emma returned to soccer, and Carson decided to try flag football in Johnstown.  We were so blessed to have Mario be Emma's coach again, and Carson had Randy Checketts from our ward.  Even better, our neighbor Keaton was on his team as well, so going to practices was lots of fun for me and Joely.

Emma really did well this season.  She and Gentry were two of the oldest on the team and they were great leaders.  Emma scored lots of goals and had fun too.  I'm so glad she loves soccer and enjoys the physicality of it.

Carson loved football practice, but he struggled in the actual games.  I think he must feel anxious about performing well and doesn't know how to deal with those uncomfortable feelings.  He was a star player and did great at quarterback, receiver, and anywhere else the coach put him once he learned how to handle being in the game.  It was a rough season with great practices and difficult games, but he ended it with 2 or 3 games that were fantastic!  We were so proud of him for finishing strong.
Joely loved playing with Emmi at soccer practice.

Waiting for the play.

Team meeting with Coach Randy

Carson and Keaton were great players.

Belle Joely

Aunt Sjani, Atti, and Elli came to watch Emma and Carson play in their games one Saturday.  Elli is too cute!

The girls loved their little chairs.

Joely LOVES being with Aunt Sjani.

It was super hot and sunny at the game, so the kids made a fort out of chairs blankets.  They had a blast!

Emma had big smiles during the game.

I love this girl!


Macy would always bring a bag of coloring books and crayons to practice.  The girls would have a coloring party together.

Keaton, Oliver, Carson, and Xander.  Great boys and great football players.

High fives help us with our good sportsmanship.

The team with Coach Mario

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