Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ward Halloween Party 2014

Our ward held a Halloween party early in October which was great because there weren't other Halloween conflicts, but it did mean we had to figure out our costumes early!  Carson knew all along that he wanted to be Harry Potter, and we already had most of it ready to go.  We just had to borrow glasses from our friends.  Joely had lots of options to choose from and decided on Minnie Mouse, which our awesome neighbors handed down to us.  Emma was the difficult one.  She was super easy-going about it, but I only had one costume that sort of fit her...my old pumpkin costume my mom made me many years ago.  She was happy to wear it, even though it didn't fit perfectly.
I love our Frankenstein front door, but I love these three kiddos even more!

Candy corn face paint.

Joely chose a bat.

Cheesy Face

After the Trunk-or-Treat

Sultan Dave (also known as Habib) and his minions... :)

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