Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Idaho Falls

We set out late one Saturday morning for our first family trip to Idaho Falls.  It was ward temple day, and we knew at least one of us ought to do a session!  The 90-mile trip didn't get off to a great start. . .Joely was throwing up before we were half-way there.  And that triggered Carson to feel just as yucky (although I'm pretty sure it was all in his head).  Luckily, he said a prayer and began to feel better after a little while.

Our goals for the day were to attend the temple, purchase a bunk bed, and get Carson a hair cut.  We got the bunk bed at our first stop (we also needed a new non-throwup outfit for Joely - gotta love Wal-Mart!) and then wandered around Target for a little bit (hooray for Target!).  We'd only been in the boonies for a few weeks, but I was definitely missing my shopping :)

The kids and I wandered around the Idaho Falls temple and became good friends with the senior missionaries at the visitors center while Dave went to the ward temple session.  It wasn't a particularly warm day, but the sun was shining and we were glad to be outside.  The kids loved the "color a temple" computer game in the visitors center.  Joely found her old pacifier in the baby bag and was determined to have it in her mouth pretty much the rest of the day.  Sometimes she's kind of crazy!

Thank heavens for GPS on Dave's new iPhone, because we found Idaho Falls to be a completely confusing place!  We got Carson's hair cut, ate dinner at Chili's, and got home VERY late.  Still, it was nice to spend the day somewhere new all together as a family.

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