Thursday, January 8, 2015

First Day of School

It felt like it was just the middle of the summer (literally, it was) but the calendar said that school was starting.  August 14th was the much anticipated day.  Carson and Emma were both bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to embark on a new adventure.  3rd grade with Mrs. Adkins for Carson.  1st grade with Mrs. Duvall for Emma.  

Luckily, it was a beautiful morning for our first day of school pictures.

It's full day school for both of them once again.

I LOVE Emma's cute missing front teeth.  Perfect first grade memories!

We took tons of pictures.  I think he's in a daze...

Running to the bus for fun.

Happy and Beautiful

Our neighbor's flowers were gorgeous and made us smile every time we walked to the bus.
Little sister thought it was all quite exciting, even though she didn't get to go to school too that day.
Load 'em up!
Ready to go

Okay, Where's Waldo time.  Do you see Emma smiling?  Between the two boys in front of Carson.

And they're off...

Joely was excited for a whole day with Mom to herself.
 I thought it would be fun to have a great big giant cookie ready for the kids to eat when they got home from school.  I searched through different recipes and found on that sounded good.  I got the dough all ready and then went to meet the kids at the bus.  I figured I'd cook it as soon as we got home so it would be nice and hot for them.  Unfortunately, I didn't think through everything very well.  I chose my best cookie sheet...which doesn't have edges on it.  Yep, about 7 minutes in to the bake time I started smelling something burning.  Then smoke was pouring out of the oven.  It was BAD!!  I ended up having to clean the oven and we aired out the house for the rest of the afternoon.  In the end, the cookie that stayed on the cookie sheet was really yummy!  It made for a memorable first day of school treat.  Maybe we'll try it again next year and hope for better results.
The most memorable cookie ever!

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