Saturday, January 3, 2015

Larimer County Fair 2014

We met up with Sjani and Ryan for a visit to the Larimer County Fair on a Saturday morning.  We got there fairly early, but boy did it get hot fast!  We had fun walking around the petting zoo and seeing a few different animals than the regulars at the Davis County Fair.  Emma is definitely our brave one!

I love the teeny tiny little ponies!

The kids thought this equipment was pretty neat.  What's funny is I remember it being much larger than this.
We went in to the 4H building and saw lots of bunnies and cows. My favorite part of the day was when a young 4H-er invited us in to the pen to pet his brand new little calf.  It was so tiny and cute!
I think this calf was only a few days old, or something like that...
She's thinking about touching him...
Now she's being brave!
We ate a picnic lunch and then said goodbye to Sjani and Ryan so we could head home because Randy and his son were delivering our new (to us) piano!

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